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Rabu, 08 Juni 2011
Hampir Putus Asa
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Minggu, 05 Juni 2011
ISP ntuu perusahaan ato badan yang nyelenggarain jasa sambungan internet gitu , kebanyakan sii perusahaan telpon nyelenggarainn jasa internet . Mereka nyediain jasa kaya hubungan ke internet , pendaftaran nama domain , dan hosting . Mempunyai jaringan baik secara domestic maupun internasional jadi pelanggan atau pengguna dari sambungan yang disediain oleh ISP dapat terhubung ke jaringan internet global . Jaringan ini berupa media transmisi yang dapat mengalirkan data yang dapat berupa kabel (modem , sewa kabel , dan jalur lebar) , radio , maupun VSAT.
Pilihan Hubungan ISP
ISP menerapkan biaya bulanan kepada pelanggan , hubungan ini biasanya dibagi jadi 2 kategori : modem (dail up) dan jalur lebar . Hubungan dial up sekarang ini banyak ditawarkan secara free or dengan harga murah danmbutuhin pengguna kabel telepon biasa. Hubungan jalur lebar dapat berupa ISDN , non-kabel , kabel modem , DSL ,Internet satelit. Broadband dibanding modem memiliki kecepatan yang jauh lebih cepat dan selalu on , namun lebih mahal .
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Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011
Roots Tread Dara
Other Names: Roots Tread Dara
Plant Name Origin: Catharanthus roseus (L), Vinca rosea (L), Lochnera rosea
Family: Apocynaceae
Substance Efficacious: alkaloids: ajmalicine, serpentina, tetrahidroalstonin, vindesin, vincristine, vinblastine
Usage: Emenagoga, diabetes drugs, cancer drugs
Pemerian: No smell, taste bitter
Storage: In a well sealed containerThis plant originated from Central America, commonly planted as an ornamental plant. Vinca can grow in the open or protected in a variety of climates, are found from lowland until height of 800 m above sea level.
Herb or shrub, chronic, grow upright, reaches 120 cm tall, much branched. Stem round, the base of woody, smooth-haired, red color tengguli. Leaves single, rather thick, short-stemmed, dealing crossed. Leaf blade elliptic, tip runcng, base tapered, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, both leaf surfaces shiny and smooth hair. Inflorescence compound, out of the end of the shaft and axillary panicles with 5 pieces of crown trumpet-shaped flowers, the color is white, pink or white with red spots in the middle. Tube fruit fruit hairy, hanging, contains many black seeds. Propagation by seed, stem or root cuttings.
Nature and BenefitsHerba slightly bitter taste, cool, somewhat poisonous (toxic), enter the liver meridian, peluruh urine (diuretic), lowers blood pressure (hypotensive), tranquilizers (sedatives), cool blood, stop bleeding (hemostatis), as well as eliminating heat and toxins. While the roots of vinca peluruh efficacious as menstruation.
Chemical IngredientsHerbs contain more than 70 kinds of alkaloids, including 28 biindole alkaloids. Anticancer components, namely as vincaleukoblastine alkaloids (vinblastine = VLB), leurosidin and catharanthine, Alkalod an efficacious hypoglycemic (lowering blood sugar levels), among others leurosin, catharanthine, lochneri, tetrahidroalstonin, vindolin and vindolinin. While the roots containing vinca alkaloids, saponins, and tannins flafonoid.
Used PartsHerbs and roots. Use fresh or dried
IndicationHerba efficacious address:
* High blood pressure (hypertension)
* Diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
* Diabetes bit (oliguria)
* Hepatitis
* Bleeding due to decrease in the number of platelets (primary thrombocytopenic purpua)
* Malaria
* It is hard bowel movement (constipation)
* Cancer: Hodgkin's disease, "s, chorionic epithelioma, acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute leukemia monostik, limfosarkoma an retikum cell sarcomas.
Roots efficacious address:
* Menstrual irregularities
How to UseHerba 6 - 15g boiled in 5 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups low heat. Once cool, filtered and drunk several times to run out within a day. For external use, fresh leaves added to taste and finely ground rice till mushy. Smeared on a scalded wound.
Stock FarmakologisActive compounds vinblastine and vincristine potent anticancer in leukemia, Ehrlich ascitic carsinoma liver and Walker carcinoma. Also to stop cell division (myth) of cancer at the metaphase and inhibits purine synthesis, DNA and RNA. Vimblastin especially for diseases hodgki "s and chorioepithelioma, is also effective in breast cancer, ovary (ovarian), testes and nephroblastoma. Vincristine is more effective in acute lymphocytic leukemia granulostik and, especially in acute lymphocytic leukemia and mielositik in children. Both cause mild suppression of bone marrow (the cause of decline in the number of white blood cells and platelets).
Giving stew vinca leaves (white flower) 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% with a dose of 5 ml / kg bw in rabbits can reduce their blood sugar levels nasing of 46.61%, 49.25%, 51, 62% and 58.66% compared with tolbutamide (Norma, Department of Pharmaceutical Science Faculty of Hasanuddin University, 1985)
Giving stew vinca leaves (red flowers) per oral on male white mice, hypoglycemic effect of decoction obtained yield of 15% at minute 210, 240 and 270. Stew yield 30%, hypoglycemic effects at minute 240 and 270. Relative potency leaf stew red flowering vinca that approximately half of the potential of tolbutamide relative to water. The effect is very weak when compared with tolbutamide (Suyanto, FK UGM 1992)
Example UsageHigh blood pressure, diabetes, acute lymphocytic leukemia. (Br) of fresh leaves of vinca 15g boiled in 5 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups. After chilling filtered, the result is taken twice as much in the morning and afternoon.
Side EffectsVinblastine effect of the decrease of white blood cell count (leukopenia), which returned to normal after 1-2 weeks of the drug is stopped, no appetite, nausea, vomiting, difficult bowel movements and neurokogis disorders such as insomnia, headaches, mental depression, abnormal and Sensai loss of reflexes in
Side effects of vincristine appears on the nervous system with symptoms of abnormal sensation, numbness in the limbs, pain, weakness, loss of reflexes in, impaired movement, paralysis of the eyelids (ptosis), vision (diplopia), husky and balding (alopecia). Constraints on the system also occur making blood cells, hemoglobin and platelets (platelet). decreased white blood cells 1-2 weeks after taking the drug.
* Outside the country has made herb vinca namely injecting drug vincristine and vinblastine ijeksi
* Pregnant women are prohibited from using these herbs
Other Names: Roots Tread Dara
Plant Name Origin: Catharanthus roseus (L), Vinca rosea (L), Lochnera rosea
Family: Apocynaceae
Substance Efficacious: alkaloids: ajmalicine, serpentina, tetrahidroalstonin, vindesin, vincristine, vinblastine
Usage: Emenagoga, diabetes drugs, cancer drugs
Pemerian: No smell, taste bitter
Storage: In a well sealed containerThis plant originated from Central America, commonly planted as an ornamental plant. Vinca can grow in the open or protected in a variety of climates, are found from lowland until height of 800 m above sea level.
Herb or shrub, chronic, grow upright, reaches 120 cm tall, much branched. Stem round, the base of woody, smooth-haired, red color tengguli. Leaves single, rather thick, short-stemmed, dealing crossed. Leaf blade elliptic, tip runcng, base tapered, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, both leaf surfaces shiny and smooth hair. Inflorescence compound, out of the end of the shaft and axillary panicles with 5 pieces of crown trumpet-shaped flowers, the color is white, pink or white with red spots in the middle. Tube fruit fruit hairy, hanging, contains many black seeds. Propagation by seed, stem or root cuttings.
Nature and BenefitsHerba slightly bitter taste, cool, somewhat poisonous (toxic), enter the liver meridian, peluruh urine (diuretic), lowers blood pressure (hypotensive), tranquilizers (sedatives), cool blood, stop bleeding (hemostatis), as well as eliminating heat and toxins. While the roots of vinca peluruh efficacious as menstruation.
Chemical IngredientsHerbs contain more than 70 kinds of alkaloids, including 28 biindole alkaloids. Anticancer components, namely as vincaleukoblastine alkaloids (vinblastine = VLB), leurosidin and catharanthine, Alkalod an efficacious hypoglycemic (lowering blood sugar levels), among others leurosin, catharanthine, lochneri, tetrahidroalstonin, vindolin and vindolinin. While the roots containing vinca alkaloids, saponins, and tannins flafonoid.
Used PartsHerbs and roots. Use fresh or dried
IndicationHerba efficacious address:
* High blood pressure (hypertension)
* Diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
* Diabetes bit (oliguria)
* Hepatitis
* Bleeding due to decrease in the number of platelets (primary thrombocytopenic purpua)
* Malaria
* It is hard bowel movement (constipation)
* Cancer: Hodgkin's disease, "s, chorionic epithelioma, acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute leukemia monostik, limfosarkoma an retikum cell sarcomas.
Roots efficacious address:
* Menstrual irregularities
How to UseHerba 6 - 15g boiled in 5 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups low heat. Once cool, filtered and drunk several times to run out within a day. For external use, fresh leaves added to taste and finely ground rice till mushy. Smeared on a scalded wound.
Stock FarmakologisActive compounds vinblastine and vincristine potent anticancer in leukemia, Ehrlich ascitic carsinoma liver and Walker carcinoma. Also to stop cell division (myth) of cancer at the metaphase and inhibits purine synthesis, DNA and RNA. Vimblastin especially for diseases hodgki "s and chorioepithelioma, is also effective in breast cancer, ovary (ovarian), testes and nephroblastoma. Vincristine is more effective in acute lymphocytic leukemia granulostik and, especially in acute lymphocytic leukemia and mielositik in children. Both cause mild suppression of bone marrow (the cause of decline in the number of white blood cells and platelets).
Giving stew vinca leaves (white flower) 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% with a dose of 5 ml / kg bw in rabbits can reduce their blood sugar levels nasing of 46.61%, 49.25%, 51, 62% and 58.66% compared with tolbutamide (Norma, Department of Pharmaceutical Science Faculty of Hasanuddin University, 1985)
Giving stew vinca leaves (red flowers) per oral on male white mice, hypoglycemic effect of decoction obtained yield of 15% at minute 210, 240 and 270. Stew yield 30%, hypoglycemic effects at minute 240 and 270. Relative potency leaf stew red flowering vinca that approximately half of the potential of tolbutamide relative to water. The effect is very weak when compared with tolbutamide (Suyanto, FK UGM 1992)
Example UsageHigh blood pressure, diabetes, acute lymphocytic leukemia. (Br) of fresh leaves of vinca 15g boiled in 5 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups. After chilling filtered, the result is taken twice as much in the morning and afternoon.
Side EffectsVinblastine effect of the decrease of white blood cell count (leukopenia), which returned to normal after 1-2 weeks of the drug is stopped, no appetite, nausea, vomiting, difficult bowel movements and neurokogis disorders such as insomnia, headaches, mental depression, abnormal and Sensai loss of reflexes in
Side effects of vincristine appears on the nervous system with symptoms of abnormal sensation, numbness in the limbs, pain, weakness, loss of reflexes in, impaired movement, paralysis of the eyelids (ptosis), vision (diplopia), husky and balding (alopecia). Constraints on the system also occur making blood cells, hemoglobin and platelets (platelet). decreased white blood cells 1-2 weeks after taking the drug.
* Outside the country has made herb vinca namely injecting drug vincristine and vinblastine ijeksi
* Pregnant women are prohibited from using these herbs
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Akar Tapak Dara
Nama Lain : Akar Tapak Dara
Nama Tanaman Asal : Catharanthus roseus (L) , Vinca rosea (L) , Lochnera rosea
Keluarga : Apocynaceae
Zat Berkhasiat : Alkaloida : ajmalisin , serpentina , tetrahidroalstonin , vindesin , vinkristin , vinblastin
Penggunaan : Emenagoga , obat diabetes , obat kanker
Pemerian : Tidak berbau , rasa pahit
Penyimpanan : Dalam wadah tertutup baik
Tumbuhan ini berasal dari Amerika Tengah, umumnya ditanam sebagai tanaman hias. Tapak dara bisa tumbuh di tempat terbuka atau terlindung pada bermacam-macam iklim, ditemukan dari dataran rendah sampai ketinggian 800 m dpl.
Terna atau semak, menahun, tumbuh tegak, tinggi mencapai 120 cm, banyak bercabang. Batang bulat, bagian pangkal berkayu, berambut halus, warnanya merah tengguli. Daun tunggal, agak tebal, bertangkai pendek, berhadapan bersilang. Helai daun elips, ujung runcng, pangkal meruncing, tepi rata, pertulangan menyirip, kedua permukaan daun mengkilap dan berambut halus. Perbungaan majemuk, keluar dari ujung tangkai dan ketiak daun dengan 5 helai mahkota bunga berbentuk terompet, warnanya ada yang putih, merah muda atau putih dengan bercak merah di tengahnya. Buahnya buah bumbung berbulu, menggantung, berisi banyak biji berwarna hitam. Perbanyakan dengan biji, setek batang atau akar.
Sifat dan Khasiat
Herba sedikit pahit rasanya, sejuk, agak beracun (toksik), masuk meridian hati, peluruh kencing (diuretik), menurunkan tekanan darah (hipotensif), penenang (sedatif), menyejukkan darah, penghenti perdarahan (hemostatis), serta menhilangkan panas dan racun. Sedangkan akar tapak dara berkhasiat sebagai peluruh haid.
Kandungan Kimia
Herba mengandung lebih dari 70 macam alkaloid, termasuk 28 biindole alkaloid. Komponen antikanker, yaitu alkaloid seperti vincaleukoblastine (vinblastin = VLB), leurosidin dan katarantin, Alkalod yang berkhasiat hipoglikemik (menurunkan kadar gula darah) antara lain leurosin, katarantin, lochneri, tetrahidroalstonin, vindolin dan vindolinin. Sedangkan akar tapak dara mengandung alkaloid, saponin, flafonoid dan tanin.
Bagian yang Digunakan
Herba dan akar. Pemakaian segar atau yang telah dikeringkan
Herba berkhasiat mengatasi:
- Tekanan darah Tinggi (hipertensi)
- Kencing Manis (diabetes mellitus)
- Kencing sedikit (oliguria)
- Hepatitis
- Perdarahan akibat turunnya jumlah trombosit (primary thrombocytopenic purpua)
- MAlaria
- Sukar buang air besar (sembelit)
- Kanker: penyakit Hodgkin"s, chorionic epithelioma, leukimia limfositik akut, leukimia monostik akut, limfosarkoma an retikum sel sarkoma.
Akar berkhasiat mengatasi:
- haid yang tidak teratur
Cara Pemakaian
Herba 6 - 15g direbus dalam 5 gelas air hingga tersisa 2 gelas dengan api kecil. Setelah dingin, disaring lalu diminum beberapa kali hingga habis dalam sehari. Untuk pemakaian luar, daun segar ditambah beras secukupnya lalu ditumbuk halus sampai seperti bubur. Balurkan pada luka yang tersiram air panas.
Efek Farmakologis
Senyawa aktif vinblastin dan vinkristin berkhasiat antikanker pada leukemia, ehrlich ascitic liver carsinoma dan walker carcinoma. Juga menghentikan pembelahan sel (mitos) kanker pada tingkat metafase dan menghambat sintetis purin, DNA dan RNA. Vimblastin terutama untuk penyakit hodgki"s dan chorioepithelioma, juga efektif pada kanker payudara, indung telur (ovarium), testis dan nephroblastoma. Vinkristin lebih efektif pada leukemia granulostik dan limfositik akut, terutama pada leukemia limfositik dan mielositik akut pada anak-anak. Keduanya menyebabkan penekanan ringan pada sumsum tulang (penyebab turunnya jumlah sel darah putih dan trombosit).
Pemberian rebusan daun tapak dara (bunga putih) 10%, 20%, 30% dan 40% dengan dosis 5 ml/kg bb pada kelinci dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah masing-nasing sebesar 46,61%, 49,25%, 51,62% dan 58,66% dibandingkan dengan tolbutamid (Norma, Jurusan Farmasi FMIPA UNHAS, 1985)
Pemberian rebusan daun tapak dara (bunga merah) per oral pada tikus putih jantan, efek hipoglikemik didapat dari rebusan berkadar 15% pada menit ke 210, 240 dan 270. Rebusan berkadar 30%, efek hipoglikemik pada menit ke 240 dan 270. Potensi relatif rebusan daun tapak dara yang berbunga merah kurang lebih 1/2 dari potensi relatif tolbutamid terhadap air. Efek tersebut sangat lemah bila dibandingkan dengan tolbutamid (Suyanto, FK UGM 1992)
Contoh Pemakaian
Darah tinggi, kencing manis, leukemia limfositik akut.(br) Daun tapak dara segar sebanyak 15g direbus dalam 5 gelas air sampai tersisa 2 gelas. Setelah dingin disaring, hasilnya diminum dua kali sama banyak pagi dan sore.
Efek Samping
Efek vinblastin berupa turunnya jumlah sel darah putih (leukopenia) yang kembali normal setelah 1 - 2 minggu obat dihentikan, tidak nafsu makan, mual, muntah, sulit buang air besar dan gangguan neurokogis seperti susah tidur, sakit kepala, depresi mental, sensai abnormal dan kehilangan refleks dalam
Efek samping vinkristin muncul pada sistem saraf dengan gejala sensasi abnormal, kebas pada tungkai, rasa sakit, lemah, kehilangan refleks dalam, gangguan pergerakan, kelumpuhan kelopak mata (ptosis), penglihatan (diplopia), serak dan botak (alopesia). Juga terjadi hambatan pada sistem pembuatan sel darah, hemoglobin dan trombosit (platelet). sel darah putih menurun 1 - 2 minggu setelah pemakaian obat.
Herba 6 - 15g direbus dalam 5 gelas air hingga tersisa 2 gelas dengan api kecil. Setelah dingin, disaring lalu diminum beberapa kali hingga habis dalam sehari. Untuk pemakaian luar, daun segar ditambah beras secukupnya lalu ditumbuk halus sampai seperti bubur. Balurkan pada luka yang tersiram air panas.
Efek Farmakologis
Senyawa aktif vinblastin dan vinkristin berkhasiat antikanker pada leukemia, ehrlich ascitic liver carsinoma dan walker carcinoma. Juga menghentikan pembelahan sel (mitos) kanker pada tingkat metafase dan menghambat sintetis purin, DNA dan RNA. Vimblastin terutama untuk penyakit hodgki"s dan chorioepithelioma, juga efektif pada kanker payudara, indung telur (ovarium), testis dan nephroblastoma. Vinkristin lebih efektif pada leukemia granulostik dan limfositik akut, terutama pada leukemia limfositik dan mielositik akut pada anak-anak. Keduanya menyebabkan penekanan ringan pada sumsum tulang (penyebab turunnya jumlah sel darah putih dan trombosit).
Pemberian rebusan daun tapak dara (bunga putih) 10%, 20%, 30% dan 40% dengan dosis 5 ml/kg bb pada kelinci dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah masing-nasing sebesar 46,61%, 49,25%, 51,62% dan 58,66% dibandingkan dengan tolbutamid (Norma, Jurusan Farmasi FMIPA UNHAS, 1985)
Pemberian rebusan daun tapak dara (bunga merah) per oral pada tikus putih jantan, efek hipoglikemik didapat dari rebusan berkadar 15% pada menit ke 210, 240 dan 270. Rebusan berkadar 30%, efek hipoglikemik pada menit ke 240 dan 270. Potensi relatif rebusan daun tapak dara yang berbunga merah kurang lebih 1/2 dari potensi relatif tolbutamid terhadap air. Efek tersebut sangat lemah bila dibandingkan dengan tolbutamid (Suyanto, FK UGM 1992)
Contoh Pemakaian
Darah tinggi, kencing manis, leukemia limfositik akut.(br) Daun tapak dara segar sebanyak 15g direbus dalam 5 gelas air sampai tersisa 2 gelas. Setelah dingin disaring, hasilnya diminum dua kali sama banyak pagi dan sore.
Efek Samping
Efek vinblastin berupa turunnya jumlah sel darah putih (leukopenia) yang kembali normal setelah 1 - 2 minggu obat dihentikan, tidak nafsu makan, mual, muntah, sulit buang air besar dan gangguan neurokogis seperti susah tidur, sakit kepala, depresi mental, sensai abnormal dan kehilangan refleks dalam
Efek samping vinkristin muncul pada sistem saraf dengan gejala sensasi abnormal, kebas pada tungkai, rasa sakit, lemah, kehilangan refleks dalam, gangguan pergerakan, kelumpuhan kelopak mata (ptosis), penglihatan (diplopia), serak dan botak (alopesia). Juga terjadi hambatan pada sistem pembuatan sel darah, hemoglobin dan trombosit (platelet). sel darah putih menurun 1 - 2 minggu setelah pemakaian obat.
- Diluar negeri herba tapak dara sudah dibuat obat suntik yaitu vincristine dan vinblastine ijeksi
- Perempuan hamil dilarang menggunakan tumbuhan obat ini
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Selasa, 24 Mei 2011
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
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Dazu Rocks Carving
Dazu Rock Carvings
to 13th centuries.
These Dazu carvings are considered to be the best representatives of the latest phase of rock art in China. They clearly demonstrate the ingenuity and craftsmanship of their artists with respect to carving techniques and subject matter. In that way, they differ from the other, earlier, Chinese rock art world heritage sites Yungang, Longmen and Mogao.
The designated area consists of five separate sites of cliffside carvings: Beishan, Baodingshan, Nanshan, Shizhuanshan and Shimenshan. Baodingshan is the most prominent site of these. It was here that between 1174 and 1252 the Buddhist monk Zhao Zhifeng ordered the start of work on the elaborate carvings along a 500-meter U-shaped section of Mount Baoding. They show the implementation of Buddhist ideas in daily life as represented by Tantric Buddhism.
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earthquake lights
Earthquake Lights
Earthquake lights are a scientific phenomenon that modern scientists cannot seem to find any viable explanation for. Earthquake lights are flashes and glows that are seen accompanying seismic activity. Despite numerous eyewitness reports and photographs, scientists simply do not have enough data to explain these strange occurences.Earthquake lights are most common and at their brightest during the earthquake itself but they have been spotted before and after an earthquake has occured. There is no set color to the lights, they are said to usually be white or blue but have also been seen in other color variations.
Earthquake lights are believed to have been first reported around 400 B.C. in Greek records. Because of their rarity, earthquake lights were considered a myth until photographs were recorded of the earthquake lights during an earthquake in Japan in 1966. There have been even more reports in recent years as these lights are now more known about. There were many eyewitness and video reports of lights prior to and throughout the 2007 earthquake in Peru. Other reported videos and sightings occurred right before the May, 2008 earthquake in China.
There are many theories about the cause of these lights though none of them have been accepted by the scientific community. The most common scientific explanation given to explain these lights is that the earth releases gases during an earthquake, after these gases have been released, they are somehow electrified by the atmosphere and begin to glow. Others belive that the lights are caused by radiation; radon gas released from mineral that ionize the air. Many also believe that earthquake lights would explain people's accounts of UFO sightings.
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Strange Rainbow
Rainbow Clouds
In a breathtaking blaze of glory, Nature puts on one of its most spectacular sky shows.
Reds, oranges, blues and greens create a flaming rainbow that stretches above the clouds.
But this circumhorizon arc, as it is known, owes more to ice than fire. It occurs when sunlight passes through ice crystals in high cirrus clouds. It is one of 15 types of ice halos formed only when the most specific of factors dovetail precisely together.
This blanket of fire, covering hundreds of square miles, is the rarest phenomenon of them all. It was spotted in the US on the Washington-Idaho border around midday last Saturday.
Dr Jonathan Fox, of the US National Weather Service in Spokane, Washington, said: 'It was even more spectacular than the Northern Lights. I feel lucky to have seen it because it only forms in very rare situations. This is the first one I've ever seen. It was a breathtaking sight and it hung around for about an hour.'
To create a rainbow of fire, clouds must be at least 20,000ft high and the ice crystals within them align horizontally instead of their usual vertical position. The sun also needs to be at least 58 degrees above the horizon. Then, the magic can begin.
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The Taos Hum
In the 1990s, Hum phenomenon was first reported in North America, when research by the University of New Mexico and complaints many residents who lived near Taos, New Mexico, attracted media attention. However, in the 1970s and the 1980s, a similar phenomenon was also reported by residents, especially in the United Kingdom and other countries like New Zealand. [1]
Some explanation may be the origin of the Hum is:
* Man-made Sound
* Vibration microwave
* Electromagnetic waves from meteor
* The communication system is very small frequency
* Heating systems ionosphere
* Tinnitus
* otoakustik Spontaneous Emission
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Kamis, 19 Mei 2011
Gletser Perito Moreno
Perito Moreno gletser terletak di Taman Nasional Los Glaciares Taman Nasional di barat laut Provinsi Santa Cruz di Argentina. Ia adalah salah satu yang paling penting tujuan wisata di Argentina Indonesiana. Gunung es diukur 250 km2. It is 30 km panjang dan deepest spot sekitar 700 meter. Ini termasuk di antara 48 glaciers jihopatagonského es lapangan. Bidang ini adalah yang ketiga terbesar reservoir air di dunia.
Di kota Mei menunjuk sejumlah tempat-tempat wisata, seperti Los Glaciares National Park km tentang 56, Torres del Paine Taman Nasional km tentang 63, Brüggen gletser km tentang 92, Gletser Gray km tentang 56
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fly geyser Nevada
Fly Geyser
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Fly Geyser | |
Fly Geyser | |
Name origin | Named after Fly Ranch |
Location | Fly Ranch, Washoe County, Nevada |
Coordinates | 40°51′34″N 119°19′55″W / 40.85944°N 119.33194°W / 40.85944; -119.33194Coordinates: 40°51′34″N 119°19′55″W / 40.85944°N 119.33194°W / 40.85944; -119.33194 |
Elevation | 4,014 feet (1,223 m) |
Type | Cone-type Geyser |
Eruption height | 5 feet (1.5 m) and growing |
Frequency | Constant |
Duration | Constant |
Approximate Location Of Fly Geyser |
Fly Geyser is located on the private Fly Ranch and is accessible only by a small private dirt road. The ranch is currently owned by Todd Jaksick.[2] There is a high fence and a locked gate with several metal spokes on the top to keep trespassers out, but despite the booby traps, many people still prefer to jump the fence to get a better look. Several organizations have tried to purchase the land for conservation, and make it open to the public, but have been denied.
Fly Geyser is a very little known tourist attraction, even to Nevada residents. It is located right near the edge of Fly Reservoir and is only about 5 feet (1.5 m) high, (12 feet (3.7 m) if you count the mound on which it sits). The Geyser is not an entirely natural phenomenon, and was accidentally created in 1916 during the drilling of a well. The well functioned normally for several decades, but then in the 1960s geothermally heated water found a weak spot in the wall and began escaping to the surface. Dissolved minerals started rising and piling up, creating the mount on which the geyser sits, which is still growing to date. Today, water is constantly squirting out reaching 5 feet (1.5 m) in the air.[1] The geyser contains several terraces discharging water into 30 to 40 pools over an area of 30 hectares (74 acres).[3] The geyser is made up of a series of different minerals, including sulfur dioxide, which gives it its magnificent coloration.
There are two additional geysers in the area that were created in a similar way as Fly Geyser. The first geyser is approximately 3 feet high and is shaped like a miniature volcano. The second geyser is cone shaped and is of the same approximate size as Fly Geyser. Like Fly Geyser, these geysers are continually growing.
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Michelangelo Buonarroti
"Michelangelo" and "Michaelangelo" diverted here. For other painters who called earlier the same, see also Michelangelo Merisi da CaravaggioSelf-portrait of Michelangelo
Michelangelo Buonarroti 'or full name in Italian Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni Michelangelo (in Spanish called Miguel Ángel; in French is called Michel-Ange, which roughly means the Angel Michael) (March 6, 1475 - February 18, 1564) was a painter, sculptor, poet, and architect of the Renaissance.
He is famous for the donation of anatomical studies in the Fine Arts. His work is considered the best is the statue of David, Pieta, and Fresco in the Sistine Chapel ceiling.
Curriculum vitae
Born near Arezzo, in Caprese, Tuscany, Italy in 1475. His father Lodovico in Leonardo in Buonarotti in Simoni is a civil law at Caprese. His mother Francesca Neri del Miniato in at Siena. His family has a low status of nobility.Early learning, the influence of the Medici family
His father wants to concentrate Michelangelo considered more established professions, but Michelangelo's love of art. He then coached by Domenico Ghirlandaio (but with a cause Michelangelo deny this) and in Giovanni Bertoldo. Ghirlandaio and then recommend it to Lorenzo de Medici. He then made some pretty awesome work (for his age that are still a dozen years), but has not been able to make his name became more famous, among them:
* Madonna de la Salsa (1490-1492)
* Battle of the Centaurs (1491-1492)
Trait perfectionism Michelangelo began to grow since the criticisms launched by Lorenzo de Medici.Savonarola Revolution
After Lorenzo de Medici's death, his successor, Piero de Medici was not the one favored by Michelangelo. He then came out of the Medici family and built his own resume. Leadership Piero de Medici the weak makes the city of Florence besieged Republican party, and the Medici were expelled from the city of Florence.
At this time, Michelangelo made some of the works, among others:
* Wooden crucifix (1493) for the church of Santa Maria del Santo Spirito
* Statue of Hercules study of marble
The collapse of Medici power family gives room for teaching pastor who opposed the return of Savonarola klasikisme art element into the Church. Classical Art demoralisme deemed to contain many, among the many elements of eroticism and gayisme (coincidence models of many works of art are in the church is male.)
This makes trying to get out of the influence of Michelangelo's Florence, and try menersukan profession in Venice, and Bologna. But in these two cities, no one who knows the greatness of the name of Michelangelo.
He was later involved fraud statue "The Lost Cupid" which later was bought by the Church. Although later found out, this effort was appreciated from Cardinal Raffaele Riario. Michelangelo then gained the confidence to make a statue of Bacchus. But then this statue Michelangelo recognized as orders Jacopo Galli.Back to FlorencePieta StatuesStatue of David
In November 1497, the French ambassador asked Michelangelo make the Pieta, the statue of the Virgin Mary that wept for the death of Jesus. This work pioneered the direct inclusion of name in the work of sculptor created.
In this period, the works of Michelangelo began to get a good appreciation. And in 1504, he began working on his most famous work, David is then displayed in the Piazza della Signoria. This work was intended as a symbol of the strength of the Republic of the threat from the warring factions in the Roman area. This work also became early feud with Leonardo da Vinci, who suggested that the work in a place not too flashy.Under the influence of Papacy
In recognition of his expertise, Michelangelo was summoned to Rome in 1503 to complete the previous Pope's retreat. But the project was abandoned by ditugaskannya manufacture's Fresco in the Sistine Chapel wall.
This is a major challenge for Michelangelo, because even if they've learned during the making of Fresco Domenico Ghirlandaio, but the expertise he was not a painter.
These frescoes done in the period 1508-1512 with a final section at the end of the chapel which has not been completed until the time of Pope Paul III begins.Power Papacy in Florence
In 1513, the influence of Papacy in Florence increased with the increase in one of the family Medici, Pope Leo X. He was assigned to work on Basilicia Facade of San Lorenzo with a very attractive benefits. But the collapse of the Medici family finances and then make this work seem half-finished. One famous part of this work is the statue of Moses.
Influence Papacy finally collapsed in 1527 and the Medici family went bankrupt, then followed by the return of authority of the Republic. Michelangelo became involved in the design of the siege of Florence protection by making the design of the castle.
But this effort to make himself regarded as a traitor so that the Medici family in 1530, he left Florence after the Medici rule back.End of life history
Michelangelo again gained the confidence to finish the last part of the Fresco Sistine's Chapel, the Last Judgement. This work then led to controversy because of exposure nudity.
This work was repaired by Daniele da Volterra assistants by adding a fabric cover on the paintings that are considered important.
Michelangelo died on February 18, 1564 at the age of 88. He could make a parody of Pieta, by replacing the Virgin Mary with the figure who allegedly was himself.Personality
The tendency of Michelangelo's work to show the objects of the male body nudity makes it suspected of having abnormalities homosexuality. In addition, during the Medici homosexuality has become a common culture, although still considered immoral. He was never involved in romance with one of his noble men.
But still there is a note of the proximity to Vittoria Colonna, one of the model studies. But this relationship is considered only a close friend because of Vittoria Colonna is one of the few women in the Renaissance who have high knowledge in science.
Perfectionist nature seen in many works of Michelangelo, one of which criticized Faun sculpture by Lorenzo de Medici. Michelangelo's willing to destroy the teeth of Faun to meet the wishes of Lorenzo de Medici to make the sculpture look old.
One small mistake ever made after that is the statue of Bacchus. The statue was designed with no attention to the possibility of defects in raw materials. As a result, face blackened statue is visible cracks.
This error when making paid Michelangelo David. All of the smallest part of the marble that was provided in making this statue be taken into account seteliti possible. This makes his work was respected for his thoroughness as difficult rivaled by another sculptor.
But Michelangelo was not sacred as private a lot of his work on display at the altar of the church. Besides the issue of homosexuality, his actions make unload the bodies he had to face a lot of checks. His works are also a lot of abandoned just because of money problems. And today, many allegedly manipulated his autobiography to raise his own name. He is also involved in an unhealthy rivalry with Leonardo da Vinci.Donations to the RenaissanceThe Last Judgement by Michelangelo
The work of artist Michelangelo opened his eyes at this age about the importance of good study of anatomy. During this period started a direct study of organ and instrument of motion of the body.
His works inspired many works of art in the Renaissance. Also arsiterturnya work can be seen in many buildings in Florence.
His works are:
* Madonna and Child with the Infant St. John (Taddei Tondo)
* Il Putto Dormiente
* Madonna de La Scalsa
* Battle of the Centaurs
* Wooden crucifix
* Bacchus
* Pieta
* Statue of Hercules Studies
* Fresco in the Sistine Chapel Ceiling
* Statue of studies of several slaves
* Fresco Last Judgement in the Sistine Chapel altar wall.
* Moses
* Architecture Basilicia of San Lorenzo
* The statues in the cemetery of San Lorenzo Basilicia
* Architecture Palazzo Farnese
* The architectural design of St. Peter's Basilica
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Michaelangelo Buonarroti
"Michelangelo" dan "Michaelangelo" dialihkan ke sini. Untuk pelukis lain yang bernama awal sama, lihat pula Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
Michaelangelo Buonarroti' atau nama lengkapnya dalam bahasa Italia Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (dalam bahasa Spanyol disebut Miguel Ángel; dalam bahasa Perancis disebut Michel-Ange, yang kurang lebih berarti Malaikat Mikail) (6 Maret, 1475 - 18 Februari, 1564) adalah seorang pelukis, pemahat, pujangga, dan arsitek zaman Renaissance.Ia terkenal untuk sumbangan studi anatomi di dalam Seni Rupa. Karyanya yang dianggap terbaik adalah Patung David, Pietà, dan Fresko di langit-langit Kapel Sistina.
Riwayat hidup
Lahir dekat Arezzo, di Caprese, Toscana, Italia tahun 1475. Ayahnya Lodovico di Leonardo di Buonarotti di Simoni adalah seorang pegawai hukum di Caprese. Ibunya Francesca di Neri del Miniato di Siena. Keluarganya memiliki status kebangsawanan rendah.Awal pembelajaran, pengaruh keluarga Medici
Ayahnya menginginkan agar Michaelangelo berkonsentrasi ke profesi yang dianggap lebih mapan, namun Michaelangelo menyukai seni rupa. Ia lalu dibina oleh Domenico Ghirlandaio (namun dengan suatu sebab Michaelangelo menolak hal ini) dan Bertoldo di Giovanni. Ghirlandaio kemudian merekomendasikannya kepada Lorenzo de Medici. Ia lalu membuat beberapa karya yang cukup mengagumkan (untuk usianya yang masih belasan tahun), namun belum mampu membuat namanya menjadi lebih terkenal, di antaranya:- Madonna de la Salsa (1490-1492)
- Battle of the Centaurs (1491-1492)
Revolusi Savonarola
Setelah Lorenzo de Medici wafat, penggantinya, Piero de Medici bukanlah orang yang disenangi oleh Michaelangelo. Ia kemudian keluar dari binaan keluarga Medici dan melanjutkan karya-karyanya sendiri. Kepemimpinan Piero de Medici yang lemah membuat kota Firenze dikepung pihak Republikan, dan keluarga Medici terusir dari kota Firenze.Pada masa ini, Michaelangelo membuat beberapa karya, antara lain:
- Wooden crucifix (1493) untuk gereja Santa Maria del Santo Spirito
- Patung studi Hercules dari marmer
Hal ini membuat Michaelangelo berusaha keluar dari pengaruh Firenze, dan berusaha menersukan profesinya di Venice, kemudian Bologna. Namun di dua kota ini, tidak ada satu pun yang mengenal kebesaran nama Michaelangelo.
Ia kemudian terlibat penipuan patung "The Lost Cupid" yang kemudian dibeli oleh pihak Gereja. Meskipun kemudian ketahuan, usahanya ini mendapat apresiasi dari Kardinal Raffaele Riario. Michaelangelo kemudian mendapat kepercayaan untuk membuat patung Bacchus. Namun kemudian patung ini diakui Michaelangelo sebagai pesanan Jacopo Galli.
Kembali ke Firenze
Pada November 1497, duta besar Perancis meminta Michaelangelo membuat Pietà, patung Bunda Maria yang menangisi kematian Yesus. Karya ini menjadi pelopor dicantumkannya nama pematung langsung di karya yang dibuat.Di masa ini, karya-karya Michaelangelo mulai mendapatkan apresiasi yang baik. Dan pada tahun 1504, ia mulai mengerjakan karyanya yang paling terkenal, David yang kemudian dipajang di Piazza della Signoria. Karya ini dimaksudkan sebagai simbol kekuatan Republik atas ancaman dari faksi-faksi yang bertikai di daerah Romawi. Karya ini juga menjadi awal perseteruannya dengan Leonardo da Vinci yang menyarankan agar karya tersebut di tempat yang tidak terlalu mencolok.
Di bawah pengaruh Papacy
Sebagai pengakuan terhadap keahliannya, Michaelangelo dipanggil ke Roma pada tahun 1503 untuk menyelesaikan peristirahatan Paus sebelumnya. Tetapi proyek ini terlantar dengan ditugaskannya pembuatan Fresko di dinding Sistine's Chapel.Hal ini menjadi tantangan besar untuk Michaelangelo, sebab meskipun pernah mempelajari pembuatan Fresko pada masa Domenico Ghirlandaio, namun secara keahlian ia sama sekali bukan pelukis.
Fresko ini dikerjakan dalam periode 1508-1512 dengan satu bagian terakhir di ujung kapel yang belum diselesaikan hingga masa Pope Paul III dimulai.
Kekuasaan Papacy di Firenze
Pada tahun 1513, pengaruh Papacy di Firenze meningkat dengan naiknya salah satu anggota keluarga Medici, Pope Leo X. Ia ditugaskan untuk mengerjakan Facade Basilicia of San Lorenzo dengan imbalan yang sangat menarik. Namun keuangan keluarga Medici yang ambruk kemudian membuat karya ini terkesan setengah jadi. Salah satu bagian yang terkenal dari karya ini adalah patung Moses.Pengaruh Papacy akhirnya runtuh pada tahun 1527 dan keluarga Medici bangkrut, kemudian diikuti kembalinya kekuasaan Republik. Michaelangelo kemudian terlibat dalam perancangan perlindungan kota Florence dari kepungan dengan membuat desain benteng.
Namun usaha ini membuat dirinya dianggap sebagai pengkhianat keluarga Medici sehingga pada tahun 1530, ia meninggalkan Florence setelah kekuasaan Medici kembali.
Akhir riwayat hidup
Michaelangelo kembali mendapat kepercayaan untuk menyelesaikan bagian terakhir dari Fresko Sistine's Chapel, yaitu Last Judgement. Karya ini kemudian menimbulkan kontroversi karena pengeksposan ketelanjangan.Karya ini diperbaiki oleh asistennya Daniele da Volterra dengan menambahkan lukisan kain penutup di bagian yang dianggap penting.
Michaelangelo meninggal pada 18 Februari 1564 di usia 88 tahun. Ia sempat membuat parodi Pietà, dengan mengganti Bunda Maria dengan sosok yang diduga adalah dirinya sendiri.
Kecenderungan karya Michaelangelo untuk menampilkan objek nudity tubuh laki-laki membuat ia diduga mengalami kelainan homoseksualitas. Selain itu, pada masa Medici homoseksualitas memang menjadi budaya yang lazim terjadi walaupun tetap dianggap amoral. Ia pun pernah terlibat percintaan dengan salah seorang bangsawan laki-laki.Namun tetap ada catatan mengenai kedekatannya dengan Vittoria Colonna, salah satu model studinya. Tetapi hubungan ini dinilai hanya sebatas teman dekat karena Vittoria Colonna adalah seorang dari sedikit perempuan di masa Renaissance yang memiliki wawasan tinggi di bidang sains.
Sifat perfeksionis terlihat di banyak karya Michaelangelo, salah satunya patung Faun yang dikritik oleh Lorenzo de Medici. Michaelangelo rela menghancurkan gigi-gigi Faun tersebut untuk memenuhi keinginan Lorenzo de Medici untuk membuat patung itu terlihat tua.
Salah satu kesalahan kecil yang pernah dibuatnya setelah itu adalah Patung Bacchus. Patung ini dirancang dengan tidak memperhatikan adanya kemungkinan cacat pada bahan baku. Akibatnya, muka patung ini terlihat retak menghitam.
Kesalahan ini dibayar Michaelangelo saat pembuatan David. Semua bagian terkecil dari marmer yang disiapkan dalam pembuatan patung ini diperhitungkan seteliti mungkin. Hal ini membuat karyanya dihormati karena ketelitian seperti itu sulit disaingi oleh pematung lain.
Namun pribadi Michaelangelo tidaklah sesuci karyanya yang banyak dipajang di altar gereja. Selain isu homoseksualitas, perbuatannya membongkar tubuh mayat membuat ia harus menghadapi banyak pemeriksaan. Karya-karyanya juga banyak yang terlantar hanya karena masalah uang. Dan saat ini, autobiografinya diduga banyak dimanipulasi untuk mengangkat namanya sendiri. Ia juga terlibat rivalitas tidak sehat dengan Leonardo da Vinci.
Sumbangan terhadap Renaisans
Karya Michaelangelo membuka mata seniman pada zaman ini tentang pentingnya studi yang baik tentang anatomi. Pada masa inilah dimulai penelitian langsung organ tubuh dan alat gerak dari mayat.Karya-karyanya banyak menjadi inspirasi karya seni di masa Renaisans. Selain itu karya arsiterturnya bisa dilihat di banyak bangunan di Firenze.
Karya-Karyanya adalah:
- Madonna and Child with the Infant St. John (Taddei Tondo)
- Il Putto Dormiente
- Madonna de La Scalsa
- Battle of Centaurs
- Wooden crucifix
- Bacchus
- Pietà
- Patung Studi Hercules
- Fresko di Langit-Langit Sistine Chapel
- Patung studi dari beberapa budak
- Fresko Last Judgement di dinding altar Sistine Chapel.
- Moses
- Arsitektur Basilicia of San Lorenzo
- Patung-patung di pemakaman Basilicia of San Lorenzo
- Arsitektur Palazzo Farnese
- Desain arsitektur Basilica St Peter
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